Brow Rx
This is the ideal first brow appointment
If you need a total brow overhaul, but aren’t sure what services to book, this is the one. Tina’s biggest talent is bringing over-waxed or tweezed, sparse, or unmanageable brows back to life through a nurturing process designed to give you a game plan to get your brows on a path to looking more like twins and less like cousins.
Includes a detailed brow analysis and full consultation, full utilization of Tina’s professional toolkit, (tint, stain, lamination, etc) and styling lesson.
6-8 weeks of grow out (no waxing, tweezing, threading or trimming) is recommended before this initial appointment to achieve optimal results.
15% off all brow products at the time of visit
Brow Sculpting
If your brows are overgrown and it’s been more than 6 months since your last visit, this is your service. We’ll get your brows back in shape, style them and get you back on track.
Waxing, tweezing, trimming
This is for new clients who only want design, or existing clients who haven’t been in for 6 months or more
Brow Tweezing
Clients who are using Retin-A, Adapalene, Differin, Accutane, or antibiotics cannot be waxed. This service is gentle enough for sensitive or reactive skin, and leaves the brows looking naturally clean and styled.
Existing clients only. First time clients book either Brow Sculpting or Brow Rx
Photo Facial
75 mins
Here is a description of your service. Fusce eu eros odio. Duis purus dolor, ultrices sit amet. Integer vitae sagittis magna. Proin mattis dolor sed enim dictum tincidunt non non tellus. Sed luctus ullamcorper mollis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Salt Scrub
30 mins
Here is a description of your service. Nulla ut leo euismod. Fusce sapien tortor, interdum ac ipsum volutpat, ultricies cursus arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla pulvinar nibh vel sollicitudin mattis. Pellentesque sem velit, semper et libero faucibus, tempor posuere.
Deep Tissue Massage
80 mins
Here is a description of your service. Sed ac sem porta tellus rutrum laoreet in vitae odio. Nam ullamcorper. Integer mattis scelerisque lorem in euismod. Ut ut convallis massa, eu lobortis odio. Praesent diam lectus, imperdiet vitae eros eget, elementum eleifend sapien. Pellentesque eu venenatis neque. Duis lectus neque, auctor eget posuere ut, luctus quis risus.
60 mins
Here is a description of your service. Pellentesque id libero vitae sem molestie dapibus. Quisque eu massa a elit gravida congue ut et libero. Suspendisse, ac sagittis tellus consectetur. Duis et nulla mauris. Aliquam scelerisque sapien lectus, sed sagittis metus sodales sagittis. Morbi at scelerisque risus. Ut dapibus nunc non sodales blandit.